B - Salary & Benefits | B - Culture | C - Management | B - Coworkers
Champion Petfoods has received a B rating based on 1 reviews on GradeMyJob which means that most employees would rate this company some favarably and generally like working at this company. Employees would say that salaries are somewhat competitive at Champion Petfoods. Employees report that culture is generally favorable at Champion Petfoods. Employees would also say that management is good and runs the company fairly well at Champion Petfoods while at the same time employees would generally say that coworkers are pretty good to work with.
Salary - B | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: Good people Good benefits Good pay Great manager lots of opportunities for growth with a fast paced and growing company. focused culture and recognition.
Cons: great for people who love this not a great fit for those who like the same everyday. given benefits are treated very badly by their managers and given soul learn on your own mistakes When a problem arrise and you report to your supervisor nothing gets done Favoritism Manager is a big spoiled child who likes to blame people Not sure if/how the Mars acquisition will affect the Champion culture in the long term...