B - Salary & Benefits | B - Culture | B - Management | A - Coworkers
Dedalus SA has received a B rating based on 2 reviews on GradeMyJob which means that most employees would rate this company some favarably and generally like working at this company. Employees would say that salaries are somewhat competitive at Dedalus SA. Employees report that culture is generally favorable at Dedalus SA. Employees would also say that management is good and runs the company fairly well at Dedalus SA while at the same time employees would generally say that coworkers are pretty good to work with.
Salary - C | Culture - B | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: Societe internationale Promotion possible Panel d'activites important Volonte de remettre la bienveillance et le salarie au cœur de ses valeurs
Good stuff for real tho Very good place to start your career Really good health insurance and dental.
Salary - C | Culture - B | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: Societe internationale Promotion possible Panel d'activites important Volonte de remettre la bienveillance et le salarie au cœur de ses valeurs
Good stuff for real tho Very good place to start your career Really good health insurance and dental.