C - Salary & Benefits | B - Culture | C - Management | B - Coworkers
Goddard Systems LLC has received a B rating based on 2 reviews on GradeMyJob which means that most employees would rate this company some favarably and generally like working at this company. Employees would say that salaries are somewhat competitive at Goddard Systems LLC. Employees report that culture is generally favorable at Goddard Systems LLC. Employees would also say that management is good and runs the company fairly well at Goddard Systems LLC while at the same time employees would generally say that coworkers are pretty good to work with.
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - C
Pros: great people yes The pay and benefits are the only pros to working here. Pay is above average culture Owners work closely with you very positive environment excellent benefits flexible schedule high pay Boss is the greatest Boss is greatest
Cons: poor benefits and no 40lk Unfortunately working with children the pay is low.
Very good package and affordable They offered insurance which is nice Expensive- did not cover much. Hopefully that has changed
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - C
Pros: great people yes The pay and benefits are the only pros to working here. Pay is above average culture Owners work closely with you very positive environment excellent benefits flexible schedule high pay Boss is the greatest Boss is greatest
Cons: poor benefits and no 40lk Unfortunately working with children the pay is low.
Very good package and affordable They offered insurance which is nice Expensive- did not cover much. Hopefully that has changed