B - Salary & Benefits | B - Culture | C - Management | C - Coworkers
Tiffany & Co. has received a C rating based on 1 reviews on GradeMyJob which means that most employees would rate this company as an OK place to work at best and feel that some of the work experience is appreciated. Employees would say that salaries are average at Tiffany & Co.. Employees report that culture is mediocre at Tiffany & Co.. Employees would also say that management is mediocre and does an OK job of running the company at Tiffany & Co. while at the same time employees would generally say that coworkers are good to work with.
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - C
Pros: Good benefits company isn't going anywhere stable. great leadership Great culture and exciting opportunities
Cons: Toxic leadership super high turnover low commision super stressful intense everyone at the Landmark looking for other opportunities culture seem to be miserable okay pay and boss can be hard No growth too quick to hire externally and not consider internal talent.
Good health insurance. FSA available Overall the company benefits are very good. I think the company is better now than before after the LVMH buyout Competitive overall benefits package available to all full time employees.