C - Salary & Benefits | C - Culture | C - Management | B - Coworkers
Tutor.Com has received a B rating based on 1 reviews on GradeMyJob which means that most employees would rate this company some favarably and generally like working at this company. Employees would say that salaries are somewhat competitive at Tutor.Com. Employees report that culture is generally favorable at Tutor.Com. Employees would also say that management is good and runs the company fairly well at Tutor.Com while at the same time employees would generally say that coworkers are pretty good to work with.
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: The pay was decent as a part I am happy with the flexible hours and the paycheck I earn for the work I perform for tutor.com. good opportunities flexible good for starting
Cons: the pay is low and the quality control staff is very intrusive. Not always enough hours available Management always takes the students' side: quick to write you up for any reasonable or unreasonable complains from the student but no action when the students clearly disrespect the tutors. Not a lot of opportunities to work during no Outdated software
Very flexible hours and decent pay There are no benefits at all completely remote and flexible hours