Overall the company was great to work with. Free lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays Team (at the time they've all left now) were great fun to work with Nice campus / facilities They've found a genuine gap in the market and are tackling it well
have to work late sometimes that your not paid for but you do get free dinner. no commission for internships and some unpaid overtime Micromanagement Salary is terrible especially for London Lack of diversity Difficult to get promoted unless you're related to someone senior or know the CEO outside of the job Not somewhere where you'd stay permanently.
The benefits and perks are excellent. Great insurance options but no unlimited PTO and 3 days required in office each week. The company benefits are pretty standard. Great PTO policy and options to work remotely while travelling and visit other office locations in Miami Costa Rica London etc
B - Salary & Benefits | A - Culture | B - Management | B - Coworkers
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