on peut y trouver un excellent management ou tout l'inverse good team managers are there to support you fair salary Private insurance easy of work in there
Le management se moque complètement de vous. Salaire Mission Proposition Inetum Paris no evolution low salaries no recognition Less committed to employees
health insurance is very good. 10 VACATION no 401k no PTO PTO is great Health insurance is null
B - Salary & Benefits | B - Culture | B - Management | A - Coworkers
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: on peut y trouver un excellent management ou tout l'inverse good team managers are there to support you fair salary
Cons: Le management se moque complètement de vous. Salaire Mission Proposition Inetum Paris no evolution low salaries no recognition Less committed to employees
health insurance is very good. 10 VACATION no 401k no PTO PTO is great Health insurance is null