Sincere respect for every member; self-development well encouraged and facilitated; open communication carried out very often; high diversity and high integrity ......
huge amount of established processes - maybe daunting for new comers
A - Salary & Benefits | A - Culture | A - Management | A - Coworkers
Salary - C | Culture - B | Management - B | Coworkers - A
Pros: You are working on latest technology
Cons: Organization ins big and process-oriented takes time for the changes.
Salary - B | Culture - C | Management - C | Coworkers - B
Pros: Good pay and easy quota
Cons: No long term vision from mgt
Salary - C | Culture - C | Management - B | Coworkers - B
Pros: not too much presume, company is European, so family and time off centric
Cons: stock price is low, so financially not doing that great
Salary - B | Culture - F | Management - F | Coworkers - F
Pros: The pay is decent and working in a hybrid environment is okay. They provide decent benefits as well.
Cons: Youre basically a tier I ticket clearing peon, so you dont really learn anything useful. They middle management will use you and abuse you till you are worn out. They will also dangle a carrot in front of our face with the prospect of employment after you long-term contract ends. However, every person I've known that's worked there has ended up getting ghosted by them. That's not that bad and all, but if you're unfortunate as I am, they end ruining potential employment opportunities for you in the future even though they said you can use them as a reference and put countless hours of OT in for them anytime they needed coverage.
Salary - | Culture - | Management - | Coworkers - B
Pros: friendly organization, good pace of innovation
Cons: too many re-orgs in the organization